What We Do In Our Community

The Polar Bear Party/ Rock Out 4 The Polar Bears

First, we have pretty much everything in order for the event. All the prizes should arrive thursday as well as the last few parts to our games that we couldn't make ourselves. We decided that instead of just giving people a peice of candy or a little toy at each booth; we would have a prize table!

It's going to be really cool actually. First our geusts will go to the information booth where they will learn what all their contributions are going to do and they can also purchase game tickets there. With a game ticket (Each ticket costs 50 cents) They can play any of our 5 games once.

At each game they can win anywhere from 1 to 25 tickets, and they get a ticket just for trying. Then at the last booth they can purchase prizes with their tickets. The prizes are all actually pretty cool and should get people interested in playing the games.

Now, as for the educational part. Each of the games are educational in some way.

Pop the Polar Bears Nose: will have facts about the polar bear and going green written on the peices of papers behind the balloons they pop.

Threatening Dart Board: In this game your actually supposed to aim for the things that currently threaten the polar bear. So the worst thing global warming is in the middle and is symbolized by a sun, then it is followed by pollution, etc. The more threatening to the polar bear the more tickets you get, and if you can hit the very middle of the sun, then you get 25 tickets!

Fish with the Polar Bears: In this game kids get to "fish" with a fishing rod and they get candy from the otherside of the "fishing pond." The educational part is that they learn about how hard it is for polar bears to catch prey and how the global climate change is making it so much harder to catch their prey.

Feed The Polar Bears: In this game kids get to feed the polar bears fish shaped bean bags. They learn how important it is NOT to actually feed wild bears, as this makes bears independent on humans to feed them.

Ring Toss: In this game kids get to throw rings on to sticks. In this game they actually just learn 3 facts about going green and the polar bear.

In each game the kids are supposed to learn 3 new facts about going green and/or the polar bears. At the end ten of these questions will be randomly selected at the Trivia Test booth. At the information booth people also have the choice of buying a prize card for 3.00$ It includes playing all the games one time and the geusts are supposed to go through all the booths once and get the card stamped at each booth.

With this card they get a bonus of 5 Tickets per card that has all of the stamps on it. They redeem it at the Trivia Test booth. At the trivia test booth they are asked 10 of the random facts they wee supposed to remeber through out the games, they get as many tickets to as many answers they remeber, so if the remeber 1 they get 1 ticket, if they remebered 2 they get 2, etc.

We will keep track of how many questions they answer correctly to see how much impact we had on them.

We are also having tournaments through out the day to keep people interested in sticking around for the entire event. One will be an ice block sitting tournament where there will be 4 ice blocks and 4 timers. People basically sit on the ice block for as long as physically possible so they can receive the prize at the end of the day. It will be going on all day and admission to the tournament will be based on how big of a prize we can get for the first place winner.

We will also have 8 water baloon tossing tournaments during busiest time of the day 1PM-3PM

That's what we're doing at Polar Bear Party


As for Rock Out 4 The Polar Bear, we are having two bands officially play. The REALLY cool thing about it is, it will get kids that know nothing about being green and saving the polar bears a chance to really learn how important it all is!

That's why we chose some really... diverse bands. Destructinator is one of the bands, they are power metal style and have a lot of really cool fans. They also volunteered to play free! Here is a link to their myspace: Myspace-Destructinator

We also have Cluster Funk scheduled to play. They are a really cool band with a lot of neat members and fans that once again volunteered to play free! Here is a link to their myspace: Myspace-Cluster Funk

The Tom Butler band is not officially playing but, I just got off the phone with one of the band members and he said it sounded like something they definitely would like to do, and he would talk to all the band members and email me back ASAP. Here is their Myspace: Myspace-Tom Butler Band

So that is everything that's going on with the event. Everything is coming together well, we have insurance paid for and finalized, the event permit is also complete and the women who has been helping us with it assured us it would be mailed to us within a week.

We have a cotton candy machine rented, and are working on getting the snow cone machine. We still need to get the rest of the larger prizes for gift baskets that we are planning on giving out as prizes for tournaments and such.We also have to get several more volunteers.

It's been a lot of work, and we might not even make our money back. But we know that we are going to raise a lot of raise awareness and have a lot of fun!

Recycling Mascot

We received all of our display case back from the school librarian today. We will be putting the display up at another library over the summer. One thing in our display case was our recycling "mascot" a polar bear made entirely out of cans and glue. We will use him to emphasize the 3 R's mainly reuse. Sure you can recycle things, but, they can only be recycled like 7 or 8 times. After that they are no longer safe to use. So we could use it on things like art, or even use the metal in cars and things, either way, everything recyclable should be recycled or reused.

Raising Awareness

We are raising awareness at a school, Bonneville Jr. High, to educate students!

Here are some more pictures!

Commitment Contracts

On some saturdays we spend a few hours at the zoo, explaining to people what the polar bear's situation is, and we told them about really easy ways they can go green, how much they can impact global warming, and how it even benefits them. A lot of people seemed really interested, and we had people sign a "Commintment Contract" Thoughs who wished  too, signed their name, and wrote what they would do to Go Green. Last Saturday we had 73 signatures.

Ride Your Bike To School Day

It rained polar bears on us, but, it was still a success with almost 100 students participating and about 70 of them riding bikes. The bike rack was full, and there have been more bikes in it since.

Customized Pins

Customized pins were recently donated to us! We get to make the designs for them and then they will be donating/severely reducing the price to us! We can sell the for donations and will give them away as prizes, the design will look something like this.

Reusable Bags

We are also going to by bags from the same company and sell them. This will be a fund raiser and a way to get people to use the new reusable bags instead of the old plastic ones. We will also give some away as prizes.

The front veiw says "I care about the polar bear"

The Back view says, "Friends don't let Friends use Styrofoam"