Your Carbon Foot Print

How to Stop Co2:

    Co2 is the worst chemical effecting our environment, it comes from oil,  cars, energy plants, airplanes, etc. It is very dangerous and is the leading cause in global warming. Going green will stop Co2, to do this you need to take shorter showers, drive better cars, or not drive at all (Maybe try riding your bike to work or school whenever the weather is good), or try riding in a car pool or on the bus & trains, airplanes especially need to be hybrid and used less frequently, so don't always have to go far enough so that you need to use an airplane, believe it or not cows have burps from their four stomachs which create large levels of Co2 so eating less cow or not eating at all will help as well, and of course, recycling, reusing, and reducing will help a lot too!
    If your wondering how big your "Footprint" (The effect your house hold is having on the environment) is then you could use the footprint calculator, if you do not like you results try changing your lifestyle and recalculating it.